With an extensive background in Communications, I've long understood the twisted politics behind communications technology and the information being collected via these technologies. Julian Assange and the Wikileaks team is at it again with the latest of it's publications shining more light on these facts which show the shadow international governance up to no good as usual.
I hesitate to discuss these topics among friends and family because it's too easy for someone who's ignorance to even basic technology, to write me off as paranoid. I can imagine what a fantasy it must sound like to hear this sort of talk if I were outside of understanding but it takes very little discovery to understand at least the motivation behind it.
Is it even possible to stay maintain anonymity anymore? Doesn't seem it like it. Think about your credit cards, your cell phone, your home PC, your laptop and the things you do with it. Think about how much of your information get's collected and stored. Think about how many billions of dollars are earned by these companies.
Read the Wikileaks Spyfiles....
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