Generally, I like to think outside the box which is the same box that locks our minds and attitudes and sometimes even indoctrinates us into ideals of our time and right now, I'd like to address the issue of time. More specifically, I'd like to address generations and the politics surrounding generations. Although I have nothing to reference these ideas to and I'm assuming their isn't much to reference anyway as it is theoretical, it could potentially be a more important social issue than you would think.
Currently, serving in certain parts of the Government such as President, Senate, and Congress, you must be of certain age and I can understand the tendency to want to have someone more "senior" representing you and your beliefs in Washington but does that necessarily mean more knowledgeable? I would like to think so and typically is so, it would appear.
When you think about it, we all know corruption in politics runs deep and it would seem it runs deeper and deeper with the older generations still serving in Government. If you've already done your homework, you would already know that politicians like Sen. John McCain, V.P. Dick Cheney, and Sen. Joe Lieberman are older men who are especially corrupt in their own ways but similar in monetary kickbacks but all because they've been in high powered positions long enough to already be heavily involved in the circles of corruption. Simply put, I'd argue that the older you get and the longer you serve in a political position, especially a high power position, the more apt you'd become to corruption whether it would be under the table handouts, propaganda spins, and other activity in none interest to American society in general or that of any other nation.
Imagine for a moment that this sort of age policy were reversed and then I'll explain why. Imagine if their were a LIMIT on age while serving as a political representative. Currently, I believe you must be at least 35 years old to be able to run for President but imagine that 35 years old were the age limit to hold this position. Would it be so bad? Would this person be too ignorant to represent the people and understand real issues? Do you ever get the feeling that these old corrupt politicians argue over needless issues that have nothing to do with the current state of societal problems while ignoring what the younger generation already seems to typically understand as real issues in order to commit to positive progression for society in the future? I do.
When I see bills like SOPA and The Protect IP Act, I see some very ignorant and old politicians who've received a hefty handout from some lobbyist and is pushing for some bill that could be extremely detrimental to a free and open society. Do any of these guys even know what "IP" stands for in technical terms?
I doubt you would see this sort of policy among some critical thinking 20-35 year old representatives because the younger generation does typically understand technology and the younger generation understands the importance of free information as it's been the main source of our self-education. I doubt you would find these same representatives so trigger happy when it came to foreign policy. I doubt you would find nearly the same level of financial corruption as we currently put up with.
Using technology as an example again, you can't argue with the fact that the best of the best public tools and technology in the past 30 years that have been most useful for every day society has come from the young generation who typical had no financial motivation to develop these items and ideas. These ideas and developments usually get capitalized on by the circle of the older generation who doesn't care about anything other than how much money or control it gives them.
While I understand our first hesitations would stem from fear of lacking maturity, I also understand that their is a major disconnect when it comes to the new generation's politics and the older generation's politics. The question will have to ultimately be, who's politics and ideas will be more useful for our future as a nation and the future of humans in general? I'd conclude that the older generation is typically blinded by it's own indoctrination of "isms" and it's love for this game of social segregation and classes in this game of musical chairs we call life that they perpetuate. It's the same reason it took so damn long to find equal living standards for African Americans. If it were up to the the younger generation in that matter, it would have been much easier as we are more united with each other with little corrupt motivation in comparison.
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