Sunday, January 15, 2012

State Sponsored Propaganda And Disinformation In Full Swing

In the last 200 years or so, since general communication has become more efficient and fast paced in society along with the growing information outlets, the focus and information centralization has narrowed people's attention to more specific sources. Today there are about half a dozen major companies that own all the major information outlets on television and print.

The irony in the matter is that these major media outlets are becoming what MySpace became to the social internet users which is a money-focused, ad congested arena where it sort of lost the cool effect which is evident in the declining viewer base and the seemingly desperate ad placement attempts. I wouldn't go as far as calling the management of these media sources as incompetent by any measure because it's quite evident that they understand basic human psychology just as well as anyone which is demonstrated in every television show's structure, set colors, the host's vocal tones and cadence, etc. and I mention these because they are all extremely important factors when it comes to serving information you would want your viewers to believe.

But this isn't about servile FOX and CNN viewers, this is about the use of these outlets and the internet to push disinformation with evidence of state and even corporate sponsorship or maybe even both in direct involvement in order to purposely mislead groups of people into believing information without a factual base.

On the political end, there is no short of bureaucrats campaigning to "control" the internet as an information source where they've proposed many tactical oversights of information on the web that would rival Chinese or Iranian style censorship. Representatives like Sen. Joe Lieberman and Sen. Jay Rockefeller have become the poster children of ending free speech on the internet where they've supported bold legislation like SOPA and the Protect IP Act which are blatant attempts to stifle everyday internet users as the legislation proposes criminalizing people for even linking to copyrighted material such as linking to a Youtube video as I do on this blog regularly.

The darkest side of this story comes from direct state and corporate involvement in spreading disinformation on the web by way of posing as anonymous users on message boards, trolling for websites and blogs that serve apposing purposes, creating videos as false supporters of certain political candidates in attempt to hype some false flag event and slandering in general. This sort of activity is even proposed as official policy by President Obama's regulatory czar Cass Sunstein as he argues that that the government should "ban conspiracy theorizing" which is an extension of many proposed government "information oversight" groups to control information on the internet.
“We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.”

Sunstein is definitely not alone when it comes to high powered officials proposing similar action -- former President Bill Clinton proposes a "government internet agency" who would be tasked with "identifying relevant factual errors" claiming it would be "a worthy expenditure of tax payers money."

I enjoy a chuckle when they use the terms "extremists" or "conspiracy theorists" regularly to describe just about anyone who independently investigates Big Government factions and corporate involvement and the irony in the matter while just about every mainline "conspiracy theory" about the government in recent history has been proven factual. Some of the popular ones being MK Ultra, Iran-Cantra, the Iraq war in general, CIA involvement in drug dealing, CIA's Operation Mockingbird, Operation Ajax, all of which have proven to be factual. Would it have been possible to expose these conspiracies for what they are without so-called "theorizing" and dissent?

In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future. Oh yes, irony indeed.

Our American tax payer funded government in Isreal uses state sponsored propaganda teams regularly and very openly in order to stifle opposition, one example of which I had laid out in a previous article which somewhat goes along in this article: "Twitterers paid to spread Isreali propaganda Internet warfare team unveiled."

It's become quite clear that the establishment is willing to label regular Big Government opposition as extremists or conspiracy theorists in order to paint a picture of what they claim to be some sort of unlawful dissent. An amplified example of this can be found in the infamous MIAC Homeland Security Report that plainly points fingers at regular Americans such as gun owners, paramilitary trainees, watchers of movies like Zeitgeist, even Ron Paul supporters claiming these are all signs of "domestic terrorism." Another example is shown in a pamphlet handed out to police officers in Arizona from the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force labeled If you encounter which, in similar fashion to the MIAC Report, depicts potential domestic terrorists as "defenders of the US Constitution" and people who "request authority for stops" by law officers.

The internet has become the new stomping grounds for this sort of labeling and general disinformation in a desperate attempt to squash the possibility of Americans waking up to the establishment's game of control. On every major message board, forum, and social media outlet lately, there has been an all out information battle due to a sudden surge in apparent disinformation especially in regards to Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. You can fairly easily identify the anti-Ron Paul trolling by the nonsense sort of name calling where they try to make it seem like Ron Paul is losing support and throw out some overly baseless view point of the candidate without ever going into detailed facts in order to stir frustration.

There is no doubt in my mind that this level of attack is clearly sponsored but it's had little effect as typical Ron Paul supporters readily identify the trolling up front. A newer problem stems from the more real public activity attempts to paint pictures of Paul supporters as "crazy" as exampled in a recent attempt by some individuals to plan on dressing up as KKK members and pose as Ron Paul supporters to make his supporters seems antisemitic.

What the anti-Ron Paul bots seem to not realize is that this support structure isn't just there due to Ron Paul as he is just a current focal point in a larger goal that obviously Ron Paul couldn't accomplish alone. Supporters feel they've won even if he doesn't get the Republican nomination as the entire year in the campaign will be injected with real issues by Ron Paul and force the media to discuss the topics due to the massive support he's received.

The storm of information continues and the gloves are off. It's proven a fundamental impossibility to really control information on the web but the pundits are out in full swing to flood outlets with disinformation. It's nothing new and the opposition seems to be at the ready.

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