Friday, January 6, 2012

Newark, NJ Offers $1000 Reward For 'Turning in Gun Owners'

As if over regulating and over taxing in our growing nanny state isn't enough, more and more local and state governments across the US have been on the offensive when it comes to gun ownership and clamping down in mostly an unlawful manner. The tube Gods on FOX, CNN and NBC are no strangers to demonizing gun owners alongside their buddy and film maker Michael Moore all awhile, ignoring the facts and history surrounding the issue.

The video below was released by Mayor Cory A. Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ. It's an offering to it's undoubtedly poor citizens to receive cash for "turning in gun owners." Their is no mention of the difference between lawful gun owners and unlawful gun owners it just simply offers money to anonymous reporters playing tattle-tell on neighbors and friends.

As much as I can agree that gun violence is an important issue, I'd never agree that it's because of people simply owning guns and history proves this. Let's forget the fact that most "crimes" occur due to financial issues. It's no mystery that the worse the economy gets, the more apt to crime it becomes out of desperation on the part of the individuals. And historically, I believe I remember a certain emperor of a certain country that bombed Pearl Harbor say the biggest reason for not invading mainland United States was due to the fact that 80% of Americans at the time, owned guns.

Gun purchases in December 2011 broke records as over 3 million purchases were made and a survey taken by the feds showed that by in large, people were concerned with the direction the government was going in and and high potential for unrest here in the US.


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