Sunday, January 15, 2012

State Sponsored Propaganda And Disinformation In Full Swing

In the last 200 years or so, since general communication has become more efficient and fast paced in society along with the growing information outlets, the focus and information centralization has narrowed people's attention to more specific sources. Today there are about half a dozen major companies that own all the major information outlets on television and print.

The irony in the matter is that these major media outlets are becoming what MySpace became to the social internet users which is a money-focused, ad congested arena where it sort of lost the cool effect which is evident in the declining viewer base and the seemingly desperate ad placement attempts. I wouldn't go as far as calling the management of these media sources as incompetent by any measure because it's quite evident that they understand basic human psychology just as well as anyone which is demonstrated in every television show's structure, set colors, the host's vocal tones and cadence, etc. and I mention these because they are all extremely important factors when it comes to serving information you would want your viewers to believe.

But this isn't about servile FOX and CNN viewers, this is about the use of these outlets and the internet to push disinformation with evidence of state and even corporate sponsorship or maybe even both in direct involvement in order to purposely mislead groups of people into believing information without a factual base.

On the political end, there is no short of bureaucrats campaigning to "control" the internet as an information source where they've proposed many tactical oversights of information on the web that would rival Chinese or Iranian style censorship. Representatives like Sen. Joe Lieberman and Sen. Jay Rockefeller have become the poster children of ending free speech on the internet where they've supported bold legislation like SOPA and the Protect IP Act which are blatant attempts to stifle everyday internet users as the legislation proposes criminalizing people for even linking to copyrighted material such as linking to a Youtube video as I do on this blog regularly.

The darkest side of this story comes from direct state and corporate involvement in spreading disinformation on the web by way of posing as anonymous users on message boards, trolling for websites and blogs that serve apposing purposes, creating videos as false supporters of certain political candidates in attempt to hype some false flag event and slandering in general. This sort of activity is even proposed as official policy by President Obama's regulatory czar Cass Sunstein as he argues that that the government should "ban conspiracy theorizing" which is an extension of many proposed government "information oversight" groups to control information on the internet.
“We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity.”

Sunstein is definitely not alone when it comes to high powered officials proposing similar action -- former President Bill Clinton proposes a "government internet agency" who would be tasked with "identifying relevant factual errors" claiming it would be "a worthy expenditure of tax payers money."

I enjoy a chuckle when they use the terms "extremists" or "conspiracy theorists" regularly to describe just about anyone who independently investigates Big Government factions and corporate involvement and the irony in the matter while just about every mainline "conspiracy theory" about the government in recent history has been proven factual. Some of the popular ones being MK Ultra, Iran-Cantra, the Iraq war in general, CIA involvement in drug dealing, CIA's Operation Mockingbird, Operation Ajax, all of which have proven to be factual. Would it have been possible to expose these conspiracies for what they are without so-called "theorizing" and dissent?

In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to break the law at some time in the future. Oh yes, irony indeed.

Our American tax payer funded government in Isreal uses state sponsored propaganda teams regularly and very openly in order to stifle opposition, one example of which I had laid out in a previous article which somewhat goes along in this article: "Twitterers paid to spread Isreali propaganda Internet warfare team unveiled."

It's become quite clear that the establishment is willing to label regular Big Government opposition as extremists or conspiracy theorists in order to paint a picture of what they claim to be some sort of unlawful dissent. An amplified example of this can be found in the infamous MIAC Homeland Security Report that plainly points fingers at regular Americans such as gun owners, paramilitary trainees, watchers of movies like Zeitgeist, even Ron Paul supporters claiming these are all signs of "domestic terrorism." Another example is shown in a pamphlet handed out to police officers in Arizona from the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force labeled If you encounter which, in similar fashion to the MIAC Report, depicts potential domestic terrorists as "defenders of the US Constitution" and people who "request authority for stops" by law officers.

The internet has become the new stomping grounds for this sort of labeling and general disinformation in a desperate attempt to squash the possibility of Americans waking up to the establishment's game of control. On every major message board, forum, and social media outlet lately, there has been an all out information battle due to a sudden surge in apparent disinformation especially in regards to Presidential Candidate Ron Paul. You can fairly easily identify the anti-Ron Paul trolling by the nonsense sort of name calling where they try to make it seem like Ron Paul is losing support and throw out some overly baseless view point of the candidate without ever going into detailed facts in order to stir frustration.

There is no doubt in my mind that this level of attack is clearly sponsored but it's had little effect as typical Ron Paul supporters readily identify the trolling up front. A newer problem stems from the more real public activity attempts to paint pictures of Paul supporters as "crazy" as exampled in a recent attempt by some individuals to plan on dressing up as KKK members and pose as Ron Paul supporters to make his supporters seems antisemitic.

What the anti-Ron Paul bots seem to not realize is that this support structure isn't just there due to Ron Paul as he is just a current focal point in a larger goal that obviously Ron Paul couldn't accomplish alone. Supporters feel they've won even if he doesn't get the Republican nomination as the entire year in the campaign will be injected with real issues by Ron Paul and force the media to discuss the topics due to the massive support he's received.

The storm of information continues and the gloves are off. It's proven a fundamental impossibility to really control information on the web but the pundits are out in full swing to flood outlets with disinformation. It's nothing new and the opposition seems to be at the ready.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Hampshire Debate - More Theater To Boost Romney And Stifle Ron Paul

The mainstream media's candidate of choice was demonstrated in obvious fashion again during the Saturday evening and Sunday morning GOP debate in New Hampshire. If you couldn't tell after seeing the ridiculous amount of mic time or the amount of simple no-matter questions given to him, Romney is being given a red carpet in every debate by the media hosts.

He's an obvious choice for media being a simpleton war monger especially given that NBC, the host of the N.H. debate, is owned by General Electric - a major war profiteer.

But boosting Romney in the polls is only the easiest part of the media's game. The toughest job given to them is stifling Congressmen Ron Paul by asking irrelevant questions or staying on nonsense topics like gay marriage as if the federal government has any authority over what or who makes you aroused, while ignoring Congressmen Paul on important issues like fundamental economics or health care where he is unmatched in his intellect and knowledge as a medical doctor and not to mention, his high experience and education in economics on a level that the other candidates couldn't even understand such as auditing the Federal Reserve.

Auditing a private international organization that prints US Dollars, controls the money supply, controls inflation, bails out their buddies around the world, tells us "NO!" when we ask if they will tell us who they gave our money to, and who's claim to fame is that they're a private business and thus cannot be restricted by any real government oversight? YOU'RE MAD!

The media has definitely had their hands full with Congressman Paul but to little or no avail as they've only discredited themselves time and time again by ignoring the Congressman and the reason I believe is due to that fact that Congressman Paul's 2008 Presidential Campaign never really ended, did it? That was the starting point for what's become a massively growing support structure. In 2008, the media was successful at ignoring Ron Paul as many voters didn't even know who he was until after the election of Obama when they started to realize that Obama turned his back on every campaign promise and nurtured further consolidation of power in America so people really began looking deeper and mostly turned to the web - the stomping grounds of Ron Paul support.

While all the other 2008 candidate's supporters went back to their daily lives after Obama hijacked the White House, Ron Paul's supporters kept the campaign going on the web by making videos, writing articles and covering Ron Paul's routine in Congress and probably because, like me, most felt that he will be right back in the race come 2012.

So here we are going into the New Hampshire Primaries, a week after an apparently fraudulent Iowa Caucus, and now it's about to get real interesting being the voting process is handled a bit differently and more electronically, making it ripe for fraud which has been proven many times over, especially in the 2008 campaign which of course, the media largely ignored.

Currently, Ron Paul is gaining ground and in a strong second place in the latest straw poll behind Mitt Romney while all the other candidates are far behind Ron Paul so this has Paul supporters on high alert for voter fraud knowing it would be very suspect if a sudden Santorum or Huntsmen surge occurs given how far back they've stayed in all the recent N.H. straw polls.

Let's end by playing a game called "Who's The Stuffed Suite?" Below are the largest campaign donors for the apparent front-runners, including Obama. You tell me who the special interest want in the Black House.

Friday, January 6, 2012

College Students Demonstrate the Idiocy Of Our Education System

The video below is from a FOX News segment interview with Jack Chambless, an Economics Professor from Valencia College in Florida on the topic of his recent stunning findings after asking 180 of his students to write a short paper on what the American dream means to them and how the federal government should be involved.

What the Professor received from a large majority of his students was shocking to say the least as it demonstrates just how self-involved Americans are becoming and potentially what the future in America will look like while so many students expect a nanny government to serve them a simple wealthy life with free health care, down payments for homes, forgiven student debt, etc.

"I took the essays from three classes – about 180 students…
About 10% of the students said they wanted the government to leave them alone and not tax them too much and let them regulate their own lives.
But over 80% of the students said that the American dream to them meant a job, a house, and plenty of money for retirement and vacations and things like this. When it came to the part about the federal government,eight out of ten students said they wanted free health care, they wanted the government to pay for their tuition, they wanted the government to pay for the down payment on their house, they expected the government to, quote, “give them a job.” Many of them said they wanted the government to tax wealthier individuals so that they would have an opportunity to have a better life."
A shocking excerpt from one student's paper:
“As human beings, we are not really responsible for our own acts, and so we need government to control those who don’t care about others.” 

SOPA: Anonymous Hackers Make Good on OpSony Promise

The attack comes after analysts questioned whether the collective would make good on its OpSony threat, after many of the Japanese tech giant's departments pulled their support for the act.

Following the collective's threat of an attack and widespread criticism by consumers, numerous companies including Sony, Nintendo and EA pulled their support for SOPA. Following news that Sony had by enlarge ended its support, the AnonymousIRC Twitter channel indicated that the collective may halt the OpSony attack.

"Sony and Nintendo drop #SOPA support amid #Anonymous threats #Truce #BattleForInternet," read AnonymousIRC's tweet.

One possible reason for the decision to continue the attack could be the fact that despite several of its other departments dropping their support, the Sony/ATV Music Publishing, Sony Music Entertainment and Sony Music Nashville have also all remained on the supporters list.

Read full article...

The Real Truth About Iran and US Relations

Without putting aside the fraudulent "Good Vs. Evil" routine, it's hard to imagine that the US policy and actions in Iran are directly related to the current issues and resentment coming from many Iranians and that the suppression of the Iranian people has ultimately been a bi-product of US policy going back over 50 years since the CIA's own Operation Ajax which was a massive operation within Iran to overthrow the democratic Iranian government in order to install a corrupt government willing to bow to western business interests at the cost of the Iranians people's sovereignty.

The short video below is a crash course and proper demonstration of the real truth behind the history of American and Iranian relations starting in 1953 with Operation Ajax, to the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the Iran/Iraq War where the US was arming and financing Saddam's army and to the Iran-Contra Scandal where Ronald Reagan was denied funding by Congress for an unjustified war in Nicaragua so in it's stead, Reagan had sent munitions and funds to Isreal where it was delivered to Iran then to South America resulting in a mass slaughter of innocents people.

Newark, NJ Offers $1000 Reward For 'Turning in Gun Owners'

As if over regulating and over taxing in our growing nanny state isn't enough, more and more local and state governments across the US have been on the offensive when it comes to gun ownership and clamping down in mostly an unlawful manner. The tube Gods on FOX, CNN and NBC are no strangers to demonizing gun owners alongside their buddy and film maker Michael Moore all awhile, ignoring the facts and history surrounding the issue.

The video below was released by Mayor Cory A. Booker, Mayor of Newark, NJ. It's an offering to it's undoubtedly poor citizens to receive cash for "turning in gun owners." Their is no mention of the difference between lawful gun owners and unlawful gun owners it just simply offers money to anonymous reporters playing tattle-tell on neighbors and friends.

As much as I can agree that gun violence is an important issue, I'd never agree that it's because of people simply owning guns and history proves this. Let's forget the fact that most "crimes" occur due to financial issues. It's no mystery that the worse the economy gets, the more apt to crime it becomes out of desperation on the part of the individuals. And historically, I believe I remember a certain emperor of a certain country that bombed Pearl Harbor say the biggest reason for not invading mainland United States was due to the fact that 80% of Americans at the time, owned guns.

Gun purchases in December 2011 broke records as over 3 million purchases were made and a survey taken by the feds showed that by in large, people were concerned with the direction the government was going in and and high potential for unrest here in the US.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Isreali Students Paid $2,000 To Spread State Propaganda On Facebook

Free speech on the internet has been the most useful tool for spreading information and connecting with people around the world but as the establishment governments around the world have realized how detrimental the open web has been to their agendas, it's become a target of sorts for disinformation which even the US military has admitted to be taking part in but the true depth of what they do is a bit unknown although we can speculate.

The National Union of Isreali Students (NUIS) is now working full force with the government to lead the way in spreading what they claim to be "true propaganda" in an effort to battle Jewish antisemitism where students can apply to work about 5 hours a week to "refute" what it calls "misinformation" about Isreal on social networks. This is also being done in partnership with the Jewish Agency, the Isreali body that encourages Jews from around the world to settle on stolen Palestinian land, to spread propaganda on campuses around the world.

It's hard to imagine a government being directly and openly involved in "spreading true propaganda" but it's not far from reality even in the United States where legislators have proposed "fact checking" agencies that would be tasked with determining whether certain information on web is "factual" or not and warning users about content they claim to be nonfactual. Sen. Joe Lieberman has been the at the front of most of the Chinese style proposals to control information on the web along side others in Washington who've been heavily lobbied into support of the Protect IP Act and SOPA.

Read full article...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Operation Iranian Provocation

Although the latest mainstream propaganda about Iran's nuclear program is showing more of the same fear mongering used to lead the United States into a war with Iraq, people seem to be less threatened by this attempt to prompt another war as the political lies have caught up with them. It's more political theater but there is still too many Americans subconsciously accepting what the seemingly "official" mainstream arena tells them as fact and they treat it no different then cheering for their favorite football team.

Unlike the Iraq war, a war with Iran would be much more difficult, many times more catastrophic, extremely complex in nature especially with regards to a Chinese opposition to the policy against Iran. The Iranians are no strangers to understanding war politics and are known for creativity in these matters which would account for their bold statements and threats following growing U.S. provocation and I'd suspect many surprises that would be very harmful to a western military presence which would probably come from their allies in the east and possibly even Russia.

After all the coverage and all the hype, still nobody has shown a shred of evidence supporting allegations of a nuclear weapons program. Even if Iran had a nuclear program or even a nuclear weapon, who can honestly say they would just launch these weapons in whichever direction they want without thinking about consequences. There are several nuclear countries, the worst of which being Pakistan, who are much more unstable then Iran when it comes to "trustworthiness" with a nuclear weapon. Personally, I don't think anyone should develop nuclear weapons in any case because I can't think of a single positive outcome from it's use but while we're loading up on such an arsenal, I don't see how we can dictate who does and does not carry such weaponry. It's only real use is to show intimidation.

In the United States judicial system, you're required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant is guilty of any charges against him but when it comes to our foreign policy, we are willing to sign the death warrant of potentially millions of innocent people with little more than just the words of war mongers. These are the same innocent people most Americans can't readily identify as people who have daily lives just like ours where they go to work, raise children, go to school, care for each other and have problems just like we do and the only difference is that they live in another part of the world and in this case, Iran.

The name of the game currently is to keep poking the Iranians with a stick until they react with force and that'll be the same moment the media warriors go to town on Iran and make sure the focal point will be "Iran attacks US" and the American football fans will come out for another showing of false patriotism to support a war which will be the last image everyone carries with them as the death count starts rolling in. I suspect this sort of action will take place a little closer to summer or by the latest, fall of 2012 when Obama will need support the most because as it stands, he hasn't a chance in hell at being re-elected.

The video below clearly lays out the facts surrounding the allegations of nuclear weapons and the falsehoods coming out of the IAEA.

Judge Orders Obama To Prove Citizenship Eligibility

Dr. Orly Taitz has been trying to sue Obama to prove his eligibility for many years now.  It appears her efforts have finally paid off.  Dr. Taitz writes:

I still can’t believe this. The order is in the link below. Judge Malihi, Deputy Chief judge of the Administrative court in GA, ruled, that Obama’s motion to dismiss is denied. He will have to stand trial and prove his eligibility for office.

This is particularly sweet, as it is happening in GA, where judge Clay D. Land maligned me so badly and attacked me with $20,000 of sanctions  in order to silence me, to stop me from challenging Obama. Judge Land was sending a message to other attorneys and intimidating them, de facto telling them, “you dare to go after Obama, raise the issue of his forged birth certificate and invalid Social Secrity number, establishment will attack you and sanction you, just like attorney Taitz”

Now judge Malihi is sending a message: “nobody is above the law”

I am filing a motion for judicial notice in the other 5 courts, where I have cases. Please, spread the word.

View the motion to dismiss denial here

Did Ron Paul just win Iowa?

COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA -- "I think Ron Paul just won Iowa," declared Mark Hansen, Ron Paul's Pottawattamie County coordinator. Here at a bar serving as the unofficial county headquarters of the Paul campaign, Hansen had just conceded that Paul would not win the popular vote in Iowa, but he also pointed out that after the straw polls, the precincts appointed delegates to the county conventions in March -- and that in every precinct in Pottawattamie, at least, two or three Ron Paul supporters volunteered to be delegates, and few other candidates' supporters volunteered.

Delegates at the county conventions help select delegates to the state convention, which then select delegates to the Republican National Convention.

Technically, tonight's vote was a straw poll, determining no delegates, but setting the tone. The only actions that actually could make a difference in electing delegates to the National Convention heavily favored Paul. Nobody will be watching in June, unless this election gets much more exciting, but Ron Paul might send more Iowa delegates to Orlando than any other candidate.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

YouTube Shenanigans: Ron Paul Ad Gets Distorted View Counts Before Iowa Caucus

It seems Youtube is back to it's same old tricks again by distorting the view counts of an ad published recently by Ron Paul's Presidential campaign team just before the Iowa Caucus kicks off. The video was uploaded on Dec. 28, 2011 as shown in the screenshot taken and as you can see, the view count remains at 303 views while it's received several thousand "likes."

To be perfectly clear, it is not abnormal to see the view count stop at 303 or 301 views when a video is becoming popular because this is done by the Youtube team intentionally while they verify the views are legitimate which is understandable. Typically, if a new video is becoming popular, the view count will be in real time up to 301 or 303 views then it will stop counting. Once Youtube verifies the legitimacy of the views, which usually takes a few hours to a day, the view count will be updated every few hours according to Youtube which is the typical experience as I've seen from all my uploads that have gained popularity. But this video was uploaded a week ago!

YouTube's Policy According To It's "Help Section" :

What is a view?

A view occurs when a person watches your video. In order to preserve accuracy in view counts, we identify irregular playbacks such as spam and remove these from the view count.

How often do view counts update?

Newly uploaded videos are updated in real time. When videos become popular, they are updated every few hours.

My view count isn't updating. What's happening?

For popular videos, the counts are updated every few hours; if you're still getting views, you should see them soon.
This isn't the first time this is happened to videos related to Ron Paul. Many people have had their videos removed completely by Youtube and some have even had their accounts deleted after uploading related videos about Ron Paul which Youtube has never responded to after inquiry.

It's obvious on some levels that Google (Google owns Youtube) has some political biased as strong supporters of the controversial SOPA bill and the Protect IP Act which have shown how easy politicians who have very little technical knowledge who wrote these bills were easily manipulated or lobbied into support for this type of legislation which would be detrimental to free speech on the internet. Ron Paul has stood strong against this sort of legislation citing the Constitution as the one place to look that should guarantee this type of control never be given to the federal government.